Tour de Cincinnati

This Week in Awesome

Another Monday has snuck up on us. Really, where did it come from?!

Honey I Shrunk the Linsey or Honey I Blew Up the Goodfellas?

I had a great week, which included having Goodfellas for the last day of Cincinnati Pizza Week; eating Neuf for the first time; sharing a flight of beer and getting a growler of Blank Slate Opera Cream from The Growler House; having a [really friggin’ good] grilled cheese from Sports Page on Main; a small build your own burrito from Currito; helping to create materials and man the booth at RubyConf 2016, which was hosted in Cincinnati at the Duke Energy Convention Center; and Frank spending the day at The Pet Spot before going to Renegade Street Eats’ Wing Night at Listermann

Beef Curry on Rice from Neuf

The progress of Renegade’s space inside Listermann is coming along!

Friday meant ordering lunch from Gomez Salsa before meeting the USA v. Mexico bus crowd at Rhinehaus; taking a Rhinehaus-led bus to Columbus to tailgate before the US Men’s National Team’s match against Mexico at MAPFRE Stadium; and another trip to Goodfellas upon our arrival home.

I got to meet John Harkes, who stopped by our Rhinehaus tailgate!

The rest of the weekend was more low key and involved a lot of relaxing, dinner at Wabi Sabi, taking maternity photos for my best friend and her family at Eden Park, another trip to The Growler House, SAAP happy hour hosted by The Woodburn and featuring goods by Argos All-Natural Pet Food & Supply, and LaRosa’s delivery for dinner.

Frank “posing” (more like “Mom, really-ing?”) by his namesake adoption program

Checking out the Argos goods

Here’s to another great week, all. Make it awesome!