sand·wich | \ ˈsan(d)-ˌwich
a: two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between
b: one slice of bread covered with food
a: two or more slices of bread or the like with a layer of meat, fish, cheese, etc., between each pair
b: open sandwich
c: something resembling or suggesting a sandwich, as something in horizontal layers
A sandwich is a food typically consisting of vegetables, sliced cheese or meat, placed on or between slices of bread, or more generally any dish wherein bread serves as a container or wrapper for another food type
By very definition (from several outlets, no less), hot dogs are sandwiches. Not to mention the leading authority of etymology had this to say about 10 Kinds of Sandwiches. (Hint: check out #1.)

The Law Agrees
Sandwiches include cold and hot sandwiches of every kind that are prepared and ready to be eaten, whether made on bread, on bagels, on rolls, in pitas, in wraps, or otherwise, and regardless of the filling or number of layers.
–New York State Department of Taxation and Finance
Even Ruth Bader Ginsburg weighed in on the topic. After being asked by Stephen Colbert about her opinion on the matter, she responded with, “You tell me what a sandwich is…” and, by his definition, she issued the ruling that yes, a hot dog is very much a sandwich.

…Several Defintions and RBG’s Ruling Aren’t the Only Reasons Why
A hot dog is a sandwich, and it isn’t just the several definitions and Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Merriam-Webster’s authority deeming it such that make it so.
By itself, a frankfurter is just a hot dog. Like a burger or turkey breast. Independent of bread, they are just what they are. But when you pair it with bread or a bun, despite the name “hot dog” remaining the same, it transforms to a beautiful sandwich.
If Philly cheesesteaks, meatball subs, and banh mi are sandwiches (and they are), then hot dogs—also served on a split bun—are, too.

While we’re at it …
It’s pronounced gif.
Some of my favorite takes on this sandwich are pictured above. The featured image is of the Slaw Dog from Blue Ash Chili, a coney (hot dog, chili, and onions) topped with house-made cole slaw.
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