Tour de Cincinnati

Favorite Five: 2016

2016 has been catching a lot of flak these days, so I feel it’s worth touching on at least a handful of good that came out of what seems like a meh year.

1. Getting Married
I’ve been pretty candid about how great it was getting married this year. It was everything we wanted and we are fortunate that we got to do it our way, in a great city, and with fantastic photos to prove it. We even got engaged in one of my favorite places (Washington Park) and one of my favorite guys got it all on video. (Read more about it all here.)

2. Working Downtown
Nearly ten years into my professional career, I started what I consider to be my most fulfilling, challenging, and rewarding job yet. It’s been an interesting, educational, and rewarding journey, but I love where I am now — literally and figuratively.

3. FC Cincinnati
After attending a few matches in early 2016, we decided to spring for season tickets inside The Bailey. Going to Mecklenburg for pre-games, marching to the stadium, singing and carrying on with Die Innenstadt and other FCC supporters is truly a special experience. It was a great year and, after re-upping our season tickets and DI memberships, I really can’t wait for 2017. (Read more about my feelings on the inaugural season here.)
4. Riding the Bus
I ride the bus to (and sometimes from) work every day. It’s often an introspective experience, but it can also be social and personable one. I’ve met so many great people; had the opportunity to help others, while people have helped me when I’ve needed it; reacquainted myself with high school friends; even started taking the bus for recreation on a number of occasions. It’s been a great year on the Metro, and a year where my blood pressure has surely decreased (while my quality of life has increased) as a direct result in engaging in less road rage. In all seriousness, it’s been a really positive life change.

5. Trying New Restaurants
Getting to try new places is always a good thing. There are so many great restaurants in the Cincinnati area. And no, it’s not all cinnamon chili atop pasta and oat-filled breakfast mash (though Cincinnati chili and goetta are pretty good, too). Cincinnati is doing quite the job carving its name into the ranks as a great food city — for flavor and for price. Some of my favorite and most memorable restaurants that I got to try in 2016 are Maplewood, E+O Kitchen, and Gomez Salsa Cantina in Walnut Hills.

Honorable Mention: New breweries like The Woodburn coming to town, Getting to 1000 distinct check-ins on Untappd (at least half of which were local beers), the Cincinnati Bell Connector, urban hikes, USA Gymnastics Kellogg’s Tour of Champions, Beerfest, taking advantage of our great park systems (including dog parks), The Sound of Music at the Aronoff, Opening Day with my best friend, sand volleyball at Fifty West, bus trip to Columbus for USA v. Mexico with Rhinehaus, museum visits, a final tour of Music Hall before its renovations, and experiencing a lot of good local music.
It’s refreshing and enlightening to focus on the positive. Happy New Year, everyone!