For a change of pace, last week was busier during the workweek, and less so on the weekend itself. Truth be told, it was nice to relax for most of the weekend for once, but it was nice to have gotten to spend time with friends and family throughout the week regardless. Here’s what happened:
I got to have lunches from Hathaway’s Diner, Caffe Barista & Deli*, LaRosa’s, Midway Cafe, and some coworkers and myself took the streetcar to Findlay Market, where I got a burrito bowl from Mama Lo Hizo. (The Transit app is a real game changer when coordinating the streetcar’s arrival times.) Other meals included boneless wings during Trivia Night at Mac’s Pizza Pub, my grandma’s 91st (!!!) birthday dinner at Toot’s, and a goetta, egg, and cheese sandwich from Eckerlin Meats.

This past week also featured the Anchor Oyster Stout tapping at The Woodburn, which included a raw bar courtesy of The Anchor, a trip to Marty’s Hops and Vines* to pick up some good beer to take to friends’ for dinner, and watching Liverpool at Rhinehaus.

Perhaps the most exciting part of this past week was finally getting my 50mm lens that I’d been wanting. Now you have legitimate photos to look forward to, and not just iPhone pictures!
Happy Monday and Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! And here is a quote for you as your start your week:
“If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.” –MLK
*More on this later.

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