
March 2017


Update: Voting for this region is now closed. Results will be posted soon! Complete rules and game set-up can be found here.

First and foremost, I’d like to acknowledge that this is Tour de Cincinnati’s 300th post. 300. Wow. And there is still so much to talk about! Anyone who…

This [Past] Week in Awesome was, in fact, awesome, and it included such things as the Shamrock Shake (one of my favorite beers) release at Listermann, dinner from…

Chili parlors have been culinary staples in Cincinnati since the 1920s and there are currently more than 200 of them in the region. Though National Chili Day may have been…

In the two+ months since Red Sesame opened its 1200 square foot food truck expansion inside of Jungle Jim’s International Market Eastgate, BK and I have been twice.…