


What’s even better than taking in the sights of beautiful visual displays, installations, and local music, is taking in the sights of hundreds of thousands of Cincinnatians…

I initially set out to post a photo recap every month — a way to share photos I love that maybe weren’t previously published on Tour de Cincinnati.…

I’ll go ahead and get this out of the way: Green Papaya is one of my favorite Asian restaurants around. I don’t get there as often as I’d like…

I’ve been doing some thinking about This Week in Awesome and I love summarizing what I do each week. From parks and free events, to restaurants, happy hours, and…

I’ve always loved photography in some capacity. From my early-90s Where’s Waldo 35mm and late-90s Canon Rebel film cameras, to my first DSLR (Nikon Coolpix 5700) and now…

I recently married my best friend! In the least shocking news ever, we had a very Cincinnati-centric wedding. In the more shocking department, we surprised our friends and…